What does success look like to me?

In such a fast paced competitive society, success is something we’re all inherently programmed to strive for in one sense or another. Ever since I was a kid, they were teaching us the steps for reaching success, or at least the cookie cutter model of success in the western world. I was taught to achieve high marks in school so I could move on to post-secondary education, then graduate and secure a job in my desired field. I felt that if I could do all this, it would make me successful, which isn’t wrong however I feel it’s slightly lacking in terms of what success really means.

“You define your success.”

To me, success is more part of the journey than it is the destination, cliche as that is. What I mean by that is someone’s success shouldn’t be defined by how far they have already been able to come, but instead by how many obstacles and hurdles they have successfully overcome to get to wherever they are. In my opinion true success means persevering with something until you are able to achieve your goal, no matter how small that goal is, and then setting a new goal to continue working towards. For tips on setting your own powerful goals, visit: http://www.success.com/article/rohn-4-tips-for-setting-powerful-goals)

Success can be reached by anyone who is willing to set their goals and put in the hard work it takes to chase them. Every single milestone towards your goal makes you successful, so the only truly unsuccessful people are those who chose to give up after reaching an obstacle. You define your own success by the goals you set and actions you take to reach them, so what’s stoping you, go get to work!

What does success look like to me?